
Thankyou for your valuable consideration and advice, past 30 years i am trying for normalizing my mind, always saying to me that all things are normal and good but nothing, always all are goings to worse so i want medicine so i search for medicines, normaly no one want or interested to take any medicine

Sree Jith

We are very pleased with the outcome of my wife’s consultation with, and treatment. Her asthma is under control for the first time in so many years. Your Telemedicine service has worked well. We have received medication in a timely manner.


I really appreciate the response speed and concern shown by your team regarding treatment of your patient. Wishing you all the success for increasing your telemedicine network.

Mr. SS, Bahrain
Through seeing Sukhdeep, tremendous improvements have been made in terms of both my physical and emotional health. What makes Sukhdeep successful in treating the patient is his glorious ability to tune into empathy and intuition, enabling him to get to the core of the cause of the disease. What’s more, Sukhdeep has a very gentle

Amarjeet Singh Bakshi
I began my treatment with Dr Sukhdeep while on vacation in India. I returned home to Toronto, Canada where we continued our relationship using email. I suffer from osteoarthritis, particularly in the hip area. It is a very painful condition. Dr. Sukhdeep and I communicated regularly by email and he would send me various medicines

Toronto (Canda)
“Before I decided to seek help from Dr. Sukhdeep, I was in dire straits. I had been struggling for years with chronic pain throughout my body, constant fatigue, headaches, PMS, depression, poor digestion, bloating and was in a general state of misery. With Dr. Sukhdeep’s guidance, support, professional expertise, and insight, my health and my

Since 1999 I have been having skin problems – very dry skin which will start having small pimples and then the pimple will start having pus – mostly on both arms and on the back. It kept on getting worse. I consulted skin specialist and went to big hospitals in Indonesia and met experts in


In four weeks, working with Dr. Sukhdeep by changing my diet and taking homeopathic dilutions, my arthritis pain was so diminished that I could walk more comfortably and the stiffness was almost gone. I had been diagnosed with arthritis 14 years ago. It was like a miracle.

Manjeet Singh
Mohali, INDIA

I have been taking dilutions for several weeks. I have lost weight, my aches and pains are much less, and I feel young again, thanks to Dr. Sukhdeep.

I have had asthma for many years. I have been on daily inhalers and breathing treatments, but they make me jittery. Dr. Sukhdeep has been treating me with a homeopathic asthma protocol for three weeks. When I came to see him, my lungs were unusually congested; I was wheezing and could not take a deep

New Zealand
I called Doctor Sukhdeep because I was experiencing fairly severe symptoms of what I thought was a bladder infection, waking in the middle of the night with severe pain and frequent urination. I was so glad I went to see Dr. Sukhdeep who dispensed a homeopathic remedy. My symptoms were gone in one day and

Mrs. Balwinder Kaur
Silver city, Zirakpur
For 7 years I had been suffering with progressively debilitating migraines. By the time I decided to visit Dr. Sukhdeep the migraines were occurring every two-three weeks and lasting over a two-day period during which I could do nothing but lie in a dark room. My goal when I visited Dr. Sukhdeep was to reduce

Punjab (India)
My daughter was diagnosed as pre-diabetic two years ago when she was 11 years old. I had taken her to PGI and then Fortis Healthcare System for help in her excessive weight gain. The dietician at both facilities had us do a food log for a week. Neither could give us any help. My daughter

Mrs. D.K. Sodhi
Chandigarh (India)
One year ago I had periodontal surgery. My doctor and I chose to do my whole mouth at one time as my gums were in pretty bad condition. I was quite comfortable for a day and a half after the surgery. However, once all of the pain medication began to wear off, the pain I

Prem kumar
Panchkula (India)
My two-year-old son had a bad cough, which made him loose his breath and vomit. I took my son to Dr. Sukhdeep and he gave me homeopathic pellets to give him. That night, he woke up coughing like he had for the past week. He was sitting up in his crib coughing very hard when

Mrs. Shushma
Chandigarh (India)
“I have been seeing Sukhdeep as a homeopathic doctor for nearly 3 years. His direction has been an important part of my health care and I have been especially lucky to have his guidance to help keep me physically and emotionally balanced during my pregnancy. Sukhdeep has a kind, caring manner, a wonderful professionalism that

“For years I had a hip that was so painful that I sometimes had difficulty walking – an operation was suggested. I also had severe digestion problems. Shortly after taking a homeopathic remedy, the pain in my hip was gone and has not returned. As well, I can now eat almost anything without experiencing stomach

Ravinder Dhimaan

“Homeopathy has helped me with my pimples, eczema and has changed my overall mood and ability to deal with life.”


“Sukhdeep’s gentle and caring ministrations coupled with the relief that the homeopathic remedies brought me eased not on the chronic pain in my body but also gave me the very strong sense that Sukhdeep cares deeply about his patients.”


“For 1 year I was on antibiotics with constant bladder infections, and after seeing Dr. Sukhdeep, I have no more bladder infections. He is great to talk to and cares.”

Sohan Singh

“Dr. Sukhdeep has helped me to shut off my mind at night, and with problems of work and life. My energy is getting better; He has also helped me to be calmer and has also helped me with my stomach pain. In all, Sukhdeep and his treatment has given me my life back.

“After Dr. Sukhdeep treated me with homeopathy, many changes started happening in my life. I have not had any episodes of insomnia, and the way I allow myself to be treated in social situations has improved as well. The most dramatic change surrounds infections. I have never been one who gets sick often, but once

“I cannot say enough about how much Dr. Sukhdeep helped me in overcoming what I thought was a hopeless situation. I had been having severe testicular pain for nearly 8 months, and it only seemed to be getting worse. After several tedious and embarrassing visits to various medical doctors, without any results, I decided to

Mohinder Singh

“I highly recommend Dr. Sukhdeep as a homeopathic physician. He has helped facilitate my healing process in ways I thought previously impossible. The remedy she prescribed helped my formerly hypoactive thyroid regain proper functioning. Thanks Dr. Sukhdeep.”

Dr Sandhya

“I’ve been looking for a homeopath who could also be my primary care physician for a long time. And now I’ve found her. Dr. Sukhdeep asks the right questions, listens to the answers, and his diagnostic abilities are spot on. In his practice, he creates a harmonious, positive atmosphere that is completely supportive.”

“While under Dr. Sukhdeep’s care, I was more in tune with my body and better able to listen to and respect what my body needed. I was able to let go of some of my anger at my body for not always performing as I think it should. I felt as though I was able


In just one month I had complete recovery of years of sinusitis and allergies! The results were quick and dramatic for me at the Lester Homeopathic Clinic. It all made perfect sense to me and my body responded very well to my remedy. I am most thankful.

Paramjeet Kaur
I was depressed to the point that I couldn’t tell when I got mono. My life was dreary and very boring. I just stayed at home and was unhappy. My parents took me to Dr. Lester. After finding the right remedy, within only 2 weeks of taking it, I woke up and felt different. Just

Tania B
The primary reason for me trying homeopathy was to gain relief from chronic lower back pain (herniated L-4 and L-5 discs) that I had suffered with for over 15 years. I had seen the best specialists and tried a number of treatments unsuccessfully. I was in a very high stress, high tech management position for

Mehar Chand