Since 1999 I have been having skin problems – very dry skin which will start having small pimples and then the pimple will start having pus – mostly on both arms and on the back. It kept on getting worse. I consulted skin specialist and went to big hospitals in Indonesia and met experts in Canada & the USA but no one could figure out why. All of them gave me different medication and tons of injections. Nothing worked. In February 2006, I was visiting Delhi on business trip. During a breakfast meeting with one of my good friends, he noticed my arm and was very shocked to know that I could not get treatment for it anywhere. So he offered to help and called his doctors friend in Chandigarh on his cell and passed over the phone to me. To my surprise I was speaking with Dr. Sukhdeep who asked me around 13~16 questions, and after the brief QA period he told me that he knew exactly what I had. Within two days I received homeopathy pills from Chandigarh at the hotel He recommended that I take 6 pills in morning and 6 pills at night for a month. Since that day I have been improving. My back is nice and clean. My right arm is nice and clean and now my left arm is in the final stages to be clean. I don’t know why but this homeopathy medication is working for me and has shown no side effects or what ever… Looking at the results, my wife (who is Indonesian) has started taking medication from Dr. Sukhdeep for low hemoglobin and she is starting to feeling better.